SoundCloud for Vic Sadot

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Berkeley Calling Blog Covers KPFA Censorship of Guns & Butter Radio Show

 Torture Accountability Playlist
Click on the above photo to link to the "Torture Accountability Playlist" 
at Vic Sadot YouTube Channel

Allan Rees of No Lies Radio has called on me, Vic Sadot, to be a reporter at various times sing 2009 when I covered the protests against Berkeley Law Professor John Yoo for writing specious legal briefs to justify the use of torture, and the San Francisco protests against the war on Iraq in March 2009. On August 1, 2018 I covered the "Free Julian Assange" protests at the UK and Ecuadoran Consulates in San Francisco.
Bonnie Faulkner Speaking August 18, 2018 against the censorship of her Guns + Butter Radio Show during the "Public Comments" session of the "Town Hall Meeting". NoLiesRadio Report and Truth Troubadour YouTube Playlist "KPFA Censors Guns & Butter Radio".

Most recently I was asked to attend the KPFA Local Station Board meetings on August 1 and September 15 to report on the KPFA Management Censorship of Bonnie Faulkner's 17 year weekly program called Guns + Butter Radio. 
Bonnie Faulkner (2 m 45) “KPFA Censors Guns & Butter” - 5 Video “Truth Troubadour” Playlist Report on the “Public Comments” Session from regular monthly Public Meeting of the KPFA Local Station Board on Aug 18, 2018 in Berkeley, California. Video clip of Bonnie Faulkner Host of Guns and Butter Radio speaking out in Public Comments Town Hall Meeting against Censorship of her 17 year radio show and flushing her archives down the Memory Hole with "no due process" or "community involvement". Subscribe to Guns+ButterBlog! "Security" attempts to stop NoLiesRadio reporter from doing film report! Adding First Amendment Press Rights issue to problems with the elected representatives to the listener problem with Management suppression of show content.

 Community Questions KPFA Censorship, Content, and Commitment to Free Speech Radio & Anti-War Truth Journalism
Screenshot of the 9-21-18 blog about the 18 speakers at the KPFA Local Station Board held on 9-15-18 at the North Berkeley Senior Center

I picked Berkeley Calling Blog as the primary site to blog about the Censorship of Guns and Butter because the theme of that blog is the ongoing living tradition and struggle for free speech in the San Francisco Bay Area, and it clearly is a violation of the First Amendment and the spirit of the founders of KPFA, Lewis Hill and poet Richard Moore, who called for strong principles of pacifism and free speech. I post the reports and Truth Troubadour Blog and then they are embedded at NoLiesRadio. 

BERKELEY CALLING BLOG September 1, 2018 by Vic Sadot:
"Censorship of Guns& Butter Radio Show and Press Rights of NoLiesRadio at FreeSpeech Radio KPFA PACIFICA".

No Lies Radio Report Public Comments KPFA Local Station Board 9 15 18
(27 m 13) Truth Troubadour YouTube Channel by Vic Sadot 

Community Questions KPFA Censorship, Content, and Commitment to Free Speech Radio & Anti-War Truth Journalism – BERKELEY CALLING BLOG 9-21-18 by Vic Sadot announcing a new No Lies Radio Video Report on the KPFA Local Station Board meeting of 9-15-18. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

9/11 Free Fall 7/24/14: Vic Sadot– “Truth Troubadour”

Flashback to 2014 with Andy Steele! In case you missed it... Vic

9/11 Free Fall 7/21/14: Vic Sadot – “Truth Troubadour” (58:57) Free
Fall YouTube Channel hosted by Andy Steele; A Project of Architects
and Engineers for 9/11 Truth AE911Truth. Aired 7/24/14. Published
July 27, 2014.

Vic Sadot – singer-songwriter and 9/11 “Truth Troubadour”– joins Andy Steele to discuss his amazing career as a musician and journalist, his 9/11 truth themed songs, and how musical artists can awaken the public through their work. Vic Sadot: “I really enjoyed this interview with Andy Steele on my 67th birthday, July 21, 2014. It’s a science show about 9/11 sponsored by AE911Truth. So the host, Andy Steele, had a thorough understanding of the research on 9/11 after so
many years.

We spoke about what a songs could do for the 9/11 Truth movement if we could get them heard. We spoke about the psychological resistance to re-opening one’s mind after the corporate media has implanted an official story with trauma-based
conditioning. Andy had some humor, good observations, and a masterful
command of the scientific facts about the 9/11 attacks. This was done on a cell-phone in the Berkeley hills, and it fades at the very end. I got a land line later, and the sound was much better when I did an interview with Kevin Barrett​ on MLK Day 2015.

I promoted the NCA911 Truth Alliance film festival which was upcoming in Sept 2014. Both of these gentlemen were gracious hosts. I also had recently done an interview with Bev Collins​ in Canada that was lots of fun. This interview I did with Andy Steele has its own unique character, , and I am very grateful for Andy and AE911Truth giving me such an opportunity to express myself about what I have learned about 9/11, what I try to do with music , video, blogs, and event
organizing, and a sweep through how my songs came to be written.”

Trouble in the Rubble – Truth Troubadour Music Video at Truth Troubadour YouTube from the September 11, 2011 released CD “9/11 Truth & Justice Songs” now available at CD Baby! This is in a Truth Troubadour YouTube Channel Playlist created by Vic Sadot for this CD. This song, Trouble in the Rubble, is a Free mp3 download at SoundCloud by Broadside Balladeer!  

He’s still doing the shows, and you can find them on No Lies Radio and on "Free Fall" YouTube. The latest one I see listed on YouTube has this Description
Note: “Host Andy Steele is joined by architect Henry Maclean to discuss the outcome of the recent AIA vote regarding AE911Truth's WTC 7 resolution. Maclean will give his own take on the evidence for controlled demolition on 9/11 and on outreach efforts to other architectural professionals.”

Official Site for Vic Sadot Music

Monday, August 27, 2018

James Corbett's Summer 2018 Truth Music Playlist Features Truth Troubadour Vic Sadot

Two of Vic Sadot's CD's were featured in a segment of the annual "Truth Music Playlist" for Summer 2018 by CorbettReport. The link to the full "Summer 2018" edition that this 3 minute 38 second excerpt comes from is below. 

Truth Music Playlist – Summer 2018 The Corbett Report. In his annual “Truth Music Report” at 6:55 James features links to 2 of my CD’s at CD Baby and plays a segment of The Ballad of William Rodriguez.

See the Corbett Report Show Notes for this Truth Music Playlist Summer2018

At 6 minutes & 55 seonds into the 13 minute, 20 seond presentation James mentions the "9/11 Truth & Justice Songs" CD released by Vic Sadot on 9/11/11 at the 10th Anniversary of that tragic event. He also mentions the "Truth Troubadour" CD from Dec 2016 featuring Eric Golub on violins, violas, and ukuleles.

The Ballad of William Rodriguez by Vic Sadot
Truth Troubadour YouTube Channel

James Corbett plays part of "The Ballad of William Rodriguez". The way that song happened was that Vic was invited to sing at the July 2005 "Truth Emergency Convergence" in Washington, DC. "Mad Cowboy Disease" and "Are You A Citizen Or Are You A Slave" were a couple of Vic's 9/11 Truth themed songs. They were first sung at American University and in Lafayette Square across from the White House. Vic met David Slesinger and David suggested that Vic interview Willie and write a ballad to tell his story. Willie was head janitor of the World Trade Center and jumped into rescue mode after he heard explosions in the basement below him. His fellow WTC worker and friend Felipe was burned in the elevator shaft. Felipe came into the Maintenance office with burned skin hanging from his face and arms and shouting "Explosion! Explosion!" Vic and Willie did the interview over the phone. Vic and Willie met on Sept 11, 2005 in New York City when Vic sang and Willie spoke at the 9/11 Truth rally at UN Plaza and again later at St Mark's Church with Father Frank Morales. "Cheney's in the Bunker" came soon after while reading a David Ray Griffin book, "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions & Distortions".

 9/11 Truth & Justice Songs by Vic Sadot

Here are the CD Baby links to the 2 Vic Sadot CD's mentioned in Corbett Report "Truth Music Playlist for Summer of 2018":

Truth Troubadour 
(2017) – 18 songs sung by Vic Sadot. Featuring Eric Golub, Rob Sadot, Dean A Banks and Rbeast Hunter.

9/11 Truth & Justice Songs (9/11/11) sung by Vic Sadot – Listen free here! Or purchase a song!

There's something professional yet friendly and assuring in the James Corbett style and methodology that has won him widespread respect and listenership. He can do the short focused expose with a few wry comedy knock-out punch lines; the long investigative documentary report, such as "A Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve; or he can create well-crafter and researched playlists like "9/11 Suspects".

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory 
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory (4 min 58) TheCorbettReport Published on Sep 11, 2011. This one has over 3 million views. It slams 9/11 lies to the ground in one tsunami wave of articulate logic and ridicule.

9/11 SUSPECTS Playlist at CorbettReport 

Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve – A Documentary by James Corbett Published on July 6, 2014 
(1 h 30 m 11)
Vic Sadot's Home Site is

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Nuclear Heartland USA NukeWatch Book Update by John LaForge

John LaForge of presented an engaging power-point
lecture about publishing the revised edition of the book
“Nuclear Heartland”, which was updated from the original 1988 edition. Johns spoke in Historic Fellowship Hall in Berkeley, CA on October 13, 2016. It was a book celebration event sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Committee.

See PEGMedia for Public Access Cable TV non-profit use of this video!

Episode: John M. LaForge 2017 “Nuclear HeartlandUSA” HD (57 m 48) . 

“Nuclear Heartland” 
was first published in 1988 to let Americans know where the land-based nuclear weapons silos are located, and that they make you less secure, which is in contradiction of the nuclear deterrence goal. See “Nuclear Heartland, Revised Edition: A guide to the 450 land-based missiles of the United States”. (Paperback) December 1, 2015 by Bonnie Urfer (Afterword), Nukewatch (Author), Jr. Samuel H. Day (Contributor), John M. LaForge (Editor), Arianne S. Peterson (Editor), Matthew Rothschild (Foreword). 

John LaForge can be contacted at

Cynthia Jean Johnson arranged for the event, which author Cecile Pineda had proposed; Jane Eislie, a long-term supporter of Nukewatch was there. Audio was by Dave Yandle. Post production by Vic Sadot.
The video was first published by content creator Vic Sadot to the BFUU Social Justice Committee website, "SOCIAL JUSTICE IN THE HEART OF BERKELEY". It has also been published at other sites, such as Vic Sadot Vimeo and 911TVorg YouTube Channel. It is a Creative Commons Copyright with attribution credits and no edits. This video is available for free download and non-profit use. It has been formatted for Public Access Cable TV non-profit use with full crdits/no edits. 

PEGMedia for
Episode: John M. LaForge 2017 “Nuclear Heartland USA” HD (57 m 48)  

Truth Troubadour Song for this blog! Ride the Wind (5:33) 9/11 Truth & Justice Songs CD by Vic Sadot on CD Baby’s YouTube Playlist - Lyrics: “Cold winds blow across the land. Dark clouds gather gloom. Children wake up crying! Parents rush into the room! It’s just another nightmare of impending days of doom. But we’re gonna tear Your Terror down! And make the deserts bloom! Yeah, that’s what we assume!” In the post 9/11 world the lyrics take on a new meaning about the phony "War on Terror".  

nomadiceveryman: KPFA Shuts Down Guns and Butter

nomadiceveryman: KPFA Shuts Down Guns and Butter: This just breaks my heart. Guns and Butter is a great program and has been since 2001. Thank you Vic for the heads up.

This Nomadic Everyman Blog at Blogger is the temporary home of American Everyman, which Google censored along with a lot of other blogs on grounds of "community standards". Willy Loman, aka Scott Creighton, also lost his YouTube interface channel called American Everyman, and continues to publish on a back-up channel called ChurchDog42. This is part of a nationwide cross-platform corporate censorship of freedom of speech rights on grounds of private ownership of the platforms and the tiny print statements we all sign without reading known as "Terms of Service" agreements. We wrongly assume that someone in this allegedly Constitutional democratic republic is looking out for the common person. That is a wrong assumption when money is the real ruler of the nation.

Yesterday, he published this video about the KPFA management Censorship of a popular 17 year once-a-week radio program called "Guns & Butter" and wiped out all 17 years of programs in the archives!

KPFA Shuts Down Guns and Butter (24 m 59) Published on Aug 22, 2018 ChurchDog24 YouTube Channel. This just breaks my heart. Guns and Butter is a great program and has been since 2001. Thank you Vic for the heads up.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Ballad of Julian Assange - San Francisco Solidarity Rally

The Ballad of Julian Assange – San Francisco Solidarity Rally (3 m 40) Truth Troubadour YouTube Channel. This music video is an excerpt from the 37 minute Labor Video Project report of the SF Rally To Defend Julian Assange that happened at the San Francisco Consulates of Ecuador and the United Kingdom on August 1, 2018. The song was written by Jorma Jorinen of Finland. This is a Vic Sadot solo street singing rendition done for the rally

This music video was extracted from this rally report by Labor Video Project and edited by Vic Sadot. Vic was also attending as a citizen journalist. See the link to No Lies Radio below! There are other links to check out below that one, such as #Unity4J

Free Julian Assange NOW! SF Rally & Speak-out To Defend Julian Assange (36 m 42) laborvideo YouTube Channel Published on Aug 1, 2018.

On August 1, 2018 a rally and march was held to demand the freedom of Julian Assange and against the expulsion of him from the Ecuadoran embassy in London. Speaking from New York was journalist, WBAI host and activist Randy Credico as well as OSHA whistleblower Darrell Whitman who was able to use WikiLeaks to find the connection between Obama operative John Podesta and Karen Lerner who ran the Office of Special Counsel OSC which was supposed to investigate and stop corruption in the government. Trade unionists, journalists and civil rights activists talked about the need to defend whistleblower Julian Assange and prevent his arrest and incarceration by the UK and US government. They also marched to the San Francisco UK consulate and also challenged the UK government for it's attack on Assange. Production of Labor Video Project

No Lies Radio posts SF Rally To Defend Julian Assange 8 01 18 NoLiesRadio Report by Vic Sadot, and the full Labor Video Report on the Aug 1, 2018
Speak-Out for at the San Francisco Ecuador and UK Consulates: “Free Julian Assange NOW! SF Rally & Speak-out To Defend Julian Assange”

SF Rally To Defend Julian Assange 8-01-18 Report by Vic Sadot to NoLiesRadio (2 m 22
) Truth Troubadour YouTube Channel

Subscribe to this YouTube Channel to Stay Informed and to Support Julian Assange and the Journalism of wikileaks! Suzi 3D YouTube Channel.

#Unity4J Live Events in Support of Julian Assange” playlist at the Suzi 3D YouTube Channel. Subscribe to Stay Informed and to Support Julian Assange and the Journalism of wikileaks!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Ray McGovern Answers Torture Accountability Question at Deep Truth Livestream by NoLiesRadio

-TRUTH TROUBADOUR BLOG 7-19-18: "Ray McGovern Answers Torture Accountability Question at NoLiesRadio Deep Truth Conference Mockingbird Media Panel" 7-08-18 911TVorg YouTube Channel 

This 7 MINUTE VIDEO is extracted from the "Mockingbird Media" panel livestream that lasted more than 4 hours. It was the kickoff panel of a weekend long series of a "Deep
Truth Visionaries Speak Out" NoLiesRadio livestream panel presentations with speakers being in far-flung locations. All sessions are now archived!

This 7 minute video was made from a segment extracted by hummux from part of the Q&A session where "Berkeley Livestream Audience Room" Organizer, and 9/11 Truth
singer-songwriter, Vic Sadot, asks Ray McGovern questions about "Torture Accountability". "Mockingbird 2.0: Propaganda, Fake News, Fake History, & Outright Censorship"
Panel Participants: Tom Kiely, Moderator. Panelists: Ray, McGovern, Alison Weir, Mark Crispin Miller, and Gerry Docherty.

Synopsis/Context/Questions of this Excerpt: (1) 25% of the footnotes in the 9/11 Commission Report derive from Torture used as “Testimony” according to Professor Michael Truscello in the 2013 documentary "9/11 In The Academic Community" by Adnan Zuberi; (2) Obama’s Dec 2016 secrecy classification of the 6,700 pages of the 2014 Senate Intelligence Report on US Torture "green-lighted" Trump to appoint Gina Haspel to head the CIA, a woman who had overseen torture sessions at a black site in Thailand; (3) Ray was roughed up by the Capitol Police at the Senate hearings on Haspel's nomination on May 10, 2018; (4) The 9/11 Truth Movement needs to join the growing movement to win the release of the Torture Report so that it will be used to seek truth and justice via prosecutions and the process of legal discovery. 

Please make a donation to NoLiesRadio for this monumental effort! 

Take Action! Join the BORDC campaign! The Bill of Rights Defense Committee: Will the 
Senate Torture Report Disappear? May 2, 2016 by Chip Gibbons. We demand the release of all 6,700 pages of the US Senate Report on the US Use of Torture! 


Vic Sadot, long-time No Lies Radio volunteer, reporter, event-set/organizer, 9/11 Truth singer-songwriter and poetic music artist with 4 CD's released at CD Baby, which publishes "Artist Collections" on YouTube these days. 

Tell John Yoo That Torture Is A Crime (5:03) 9/11 Truth & Justice Songs CD by Vic Sadot on CD Baby’s YouTube “
Artist Collections” Playlist for this CD Baby CD.

Tell John Yoo That Torture Is A Crime – Vic Sadot with the Code Pink Golden Gate Chorus – Truth Troubadour Channel on YouTube! The song was released on 9/11/11 on a CD titled “9/11 Truth & Justice Songs” at CD Baby. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ray McGovern Answers Torture Accountability Question at Deep Truth Livestream

The Mockingbird Media Panel was the opening session of the weekend-long "Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out" Livestream Conference hosted by NoLiesRadio July 8-10, 2018. All Deep Truth panels are NOW ARCHIVED at NoLies Radio for your viewing convenience! Please share the links! Please make a donation to NoLiesRadio for this monumental effort!
This 7 minute video was made from a segment extracted by hummux from part of the Q&A session where Berkeley Livestream Audience Room" Organizer, and 9/11 Truth singer-songwriter, Vic Sadot, asks Ray McGovern questions about "Torture Accountability". "Mockingbird 2.0: Propaganda, Fake News, Fake History, &
Outright Censorship"
Panel Participants: Tom Kiely, Moderator. Panelists: Ray, McGovern, Alison Weir, Mark Crispin Miller, and Gerry Docherty.

Synopsis/Context of this Excerpt:

25% of the footnotes in the 9/11 Commission Report derive from Torture used as “Testimony” according to Professor Michael Truscello in the 2013 documentary "9/11 In The Academic Community" by Adnan Zuberi;
(2) Obama’s Dec 2016 secrecy classification of the 6,700 pages of the 2014 Senate Intelligence Report on US Torture "green-lighted" Trump to appoint Gina Haspel to head the CIA, a woman who had overseen torture sessions at a black site in Thailand;
(3) Ray was roughed up by the Capitol Police at the Senate hearings on Haspel's nomination on May 10, 2018;
(4) The 9/11 Truth Movement needs to join the growing movement to win the release of the Torture Report so that it will be used to seek truth and justice via prosecutions and the process of legal discovery.

For more info, see Deep Truth Info

Join the BORDC campaign! The Bill of Rights Defense Committee: Will the 
Senate Torture Report Disappear? May 2, 2016 by Chip Gibbons. We demand the release of all 6,700 pages of the US Senate Report on the use of torture by the USA CIA.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Salute to Spring 2018 Oakland Anti-War Rally Participants

Vic uses a mix of photos and video clips and the “Truth Troubadour” CD licensed recording of “Masters of War” at CD Baby. "Salute to Spring 2018 Oakland Anti-War Rally Participants”: SF Bay Area Anti-War Demo Report on April 15 Tax Day Peace March from the Lake Merritt Amphitheater to downtown Oakland by Vic Sadot.

Truth Troubadour (2017) – 18 songs sung by Vic Sadot. Featuring Eric Golub and Rob Sadot.

OfficialSite for Vic Sadot Music @
 VicSadot dot com

UPDATE NOTICE: The final cut with some typo and timing edits was published to Vimeo and set as Free Creative Commons Copyright downloads for non profit use with credits. At Vimeo the final edits are offered in 1920 x 1280 resolution and at 1280 x 720 resolution.

Salute to Spring 2018 Oakland Anti-War Rally Participants” (3 min/ 9 seconds) SF Bay Anti-War Report on April 15 Tax Day Peace March from the Lake Merritt Amphitheater to downtown Oakland by Vic Sadot at Vimeo. (1920 x 1280)
Final Cut / Free download for non-profit use!

Vic uses a mix of photos and video clips and the “Truth Troubadour” CD licensed recording of “Masters of War” at CD Baby. Click on any screenshot photo below to go to the Vimeo video!

Video screenshot: Child Drone Victim of the "War on Terror"
Video Screenshot: 2001 Anthrax Deception by Professor Graeme MacQueen
Video Screenshot: Militarism, Media Consolidation, and Weapons of Mass Destruction in the control of the wrong people playing nuclear brinksmanship must be addressed by "We The People". 
I pledge with my heart! And I pledge with my mind!
To help make the history that leaves you behind!  

Description Box Post: This is a collection of video clips and photos from the April 15, 2018 "End the Wars at Home & Abroad Spring 2018 Action" in Oakland, CA. A crowd gathered at 11 am at the Lake Merritt Amphitheater in Oakland and marched to Oscar Grant Plaza for a second rally in center city Oakland. (Also known as Frank Ogawa Plaza). Cover photo and intro video clip by Gypsy Taub. Thanks! All other demonstration photos and video clips are by Vic Sadot. The photos and video clips are arranged into a short video presentation of the event with segments from the recording of Masters of War released on the "Truth Troubadour" CD, which is available at CD Baby. Vic Sadot on vocals and acoustic guitar. Eric Golub on violin.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Bashing Biden for Groping Obscures His Career Rise As A Bipartisan Basher of the Bill of Rights by Promoting the Lies of the War On Terror

 C-SPAN Vice President Dick Cheney Bust Dedication
Click on the photo to watch the ceremony on C-SPAN!

This superficial portrayal of Biden as a “groper” is not fair to the millions of people who have suffered from his long term and consistent sell-out of the Bill of Rights and well-being of people everywhere by promoting the lies of the "war of terror" so that he could climb the US power structure ladder to the highest levels and be portrayed mostly as a "liberal" gentleman by the corporate media. 

This groping theme actually serves to obscure Biden’s "bipartisan" role in key pivotal, historic, and tragic outcomes that have helped him to climb the US power ladder by betraying the American working people as a "career" practice of serving powerful US corporations and their global empire. In that bi-partisan role, he is no different than other Republicans and Democrats in pretending to care about people of this wonderful plane

There is an obsession on places like Facebook with bashing Delaware's aging Senator and Vice President Joseph Biden for groping women and little girls. People trapped in the two party matrix of manipulative media politics love to show Biden groping strangers in his role as Vice President of the United States at swearing-in ceremonies for Congressional members. That's when they take the oath to "honor and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic". People who hate Trump do the same kind of bashing, and they are not keeping a focus on overcoming the deliberate trauma-based conditioning going on to prop up a system in crisis.

This superficial suggestive portrayal of Mr. Biden is not fair to him any more than the fake "RussiaGate" dossier on Trump is fair to him or the public. You better prove what you are saying or you may actually get locked up. This loss of civility is reflective of system rot. The obsessive pushing of the groping theme is also not fair to the millions of people who have suffered from Biden's long term and consistent sell out of the rights and well-being of people everywhere so that he could climb the US power structure ladder to the highest levels. Biden and Trump serve the same masters, but they do put on an amazing show that could make things worse for the rest of us.
 How To Unite For Our Rights!

We're not getting to the root of the systemic problems we have in the USA by allowing our country's politics to descend into a psy-op soap opera. Better that we find some common ground and hopefully find our way to transition back from a violent Empire with 700 military bases around the world to a people-empowered Republic with as little mass suffering and orchestrated turmoil as possible. Young people will
have to save the future by developing a whole new transformative politics that includes participation in the definition of US national interests.

To read a discussion about finding Common Ground with other citizens, please read:
How To Unite For Our Rights!” BERKELEY CALLING BLOG by Vic Sadot, February 16, 2017.This blog was written 
to Trump supporters during the Inaugural phase one year ago to suggest that they test Trump by challenging him to rescind and reject all the "emergency" martial law type of "war on terror" power claims that G.W. Bush and Barrack Obama signed into law that are plainly Anti-Constitutional and may one day be considered treasonous toward the Republic. Why would NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) bills for annual military funding be allowed to claim the color of law at all that would authorize a U.S. President to use the U.S. military to "indefinitely detain" (Orwellian for "imprison") or otherwise violate the inalienable rights of American citizens?

The Democratic LeadershipCouncil was founded in 1985 to take over the Democratic Party and lead it "away from the (alleged) leftward turn it took in the late 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s". The DLC plan was to throw labor unions and working people out of  any siginificant influence in American politics by having the Dems make deals with corporate and AIPAC lobbies as the way for "DemocRats" to compete with the "RepublicRats". The DLC under the likes of B. Clinton and A. Gore was a big promoter of NAFTA. Good paying jobs went overseas and the country was de-industrialized. A massive concentration of "wealth re-distribution" went to the top few in the decades since that destabilization program began. When will we use our Anti-Trust Laws to break up the Great Monopolies and democratize our economy?

Here’s a quick list to consider and evaluate that tell of Biden’s bipartisan accomplishments in politics:

(1) Biden not allowing Chief Weapons inspector Scott Ritter to testify that there were "No WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) in Iraq" before giving Bush Congressional authority to bomb, destroy, and occupy that country;

(2) Biden not allowing other women to testify behind Anita Hill in the Supreme Court lifetime nominee hearings of Clarence Thomas about his alleged sexual harassment of women;

(3) Biden claiming that he wrote the basis for the Orwellian-named Anti-Constitutional emergency martial law "Patriot Act" around the time of the questionable Oklahoma City Bombing back in 1995. See
Joe Biden Drafted the Core of the Patriot Act in 1995… Before the Oklahoma City Bombing 12-11-11 Washington’s Blog 

Support for Barrack Obama’s Order to Bury the 6,700 pages of the 2014Senate Report on US Torture and giving the American public that paid for the investigation only a 500 page summary of the report. We need “Torture Accountability” and prosecutions of those who authorized torture, did it, and those who knowingly used it in the 2004 9/11 Commission Report as “testimony” backing 25% of the footnotes! Watch the trailer for “9/11 in the Academic Community”, a documentary by Adnan Zuberi. If the trailer gets your interest, you can watch the full length movie as it is next in this playlist.

(5) Biden coordinating with NeoCon Victoria Nuland (wife of PNAC Project for the New American Century founder Robert Kagan) in making a coup in the Ukraine and installing Biden's son as CEO of that country's newly privatized Gazprom company even before any elections could be held (See
Ukraine: Bloody Destabilization and Privatization Coup of 2014 Orchestrated by the NWO Corporate Captured States - BERKELEY CALLING BLOG 3-07-14 for deeper look);

(6) Biden as a lifetime servant of Zionism, AIPAC, and the endless and brutal Israeli Apartheid Occupation of Palestine makes him a servant of the same people as Trump (not Russia!);

(7) Joe Biden did not protest the theft of the Democratic Party primary nomination from B. Sanders. But then again B. Sanders failed to protest that on behalf of his "revolutionary" movement too!;

(8) Joe Biden honored former Vice President Dick Cheney for leading the war on terrorism at a Cheney bust installation and dedication ceremony in 2015 on Capitol Hill;

(9) Joe Biden has never indicated that he has any questions about the official story of what really happened on 9/11, as far as I've been able to determine. Like any entrusted public official Biden should have pressed hard for the truth about the failure to defend American lives on that day and see that there were consequences for those responsible for that failure, instead of rewards and promotions. He was all too willing to "compromise" the sacred rights of citizens by supporting the "Patriot Act". It was shameful how 9/11 was used to launch the phony "war on terror". It was strange how victims of the families had to force the the political class to even investigate the 9/11-Anthrax Attacks. These families and the nation were let down by the cover-up report of 2004 by the 9/11 Commission. The two lead commissioners released a book called Without Precedent, in which they claimed they were were lied to and "set up to fail" but that they overcame the obstacles put in their way and accomplished a great task. See any of the 12 books by David Ray Griffin to begin the journey of evidence-based truth. The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.

Biden was born and raised Catholic, but he has often remarked that "you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist". What's not to like about any of this if you are in the for-profit ruling class?

Biden speaking to his AIPAC base

C-SPAN Covered Event 12-03-15 in the US Capitol Rotunda: Vice President Dick Cheney Bust Dedication
Former Vice President Dick Cheney was honored for “ending terrorism”. Speakers included current Vice President Joe Biden, former President George W. Bush, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI).

Truth Troubadour blogs usually end with a song! 

"Love Me I’m A Liberal" by Vic Sadot 

"9/11 Truth & Justice Songs" CD (2011) on CD Baby YouTube Artist Collections